Simons Curse Update 0.81

Hiya all and happy holidays!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but as some of you know I have been working on my first project I'm going to try to sell. That and other stuff have taken a lot of my time and so haven't been able to focus on this. But fear not I'm still working on this, and the other project is also starting to look good thou it's not ready yet. After my work on the other project is done I will return to this project. Hope there are not too many bugs this time and everything runs smoothly. Thank you all for following and playing this game, it means a lot to me!

Update v0.81 D15.M12.Y2024


-added new sections to an area

-added new secret

-added new music

-added new tiles

-added visual effect over character when using laurels and when they are close to depleting

-added jumping down from platform by holding crouch and pressing jump

-added heat distortion effect to some enemies


-minor changes to certain house 

-removed hearts float

-changed continue ruby to saving grace

-changed tutorial info to match changes


-fixed moving platforms getting stuck by rewriting the code (thou could cause new issues? Not super tested, just enough that it works)

-fixed spore should no longer destroy holy water

-fixed hitting enemy shield could spam hit sound

-fixed certain area boss lights crash 

-fixed twin candle smoke being slightly off

-fixed certain radius light position 

-fixed missing tile in certain area 

-fixed certain found items effect position

-fixed certain area background graphics 


Simons 31 MB
77 days ago
Simons Curse.exe 44 MB
77 days ago

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